Thursday, June 2, 2011

Living the Dream

One of the major reasons why I went to Italy in 2009 for me personally wasn't to see the Grand Canal, nor the Coliseum, nor the Statue of David, or anything else that people really go to Italy for. Really, it wasn't even to eat, which is a rarity for me (I like not love Italian food).

It was to drive a Vespa in Italy.

I have no idea why but I have always wanted to do that. It's an odd and small thing to desire, but there is something just so attractive about the concept.

Yet I never did it. I claimed that the reason why was it was just too dangerous, but I think it was more that I was a little scared of negotiating the awful and crazy streets of Rome using a device I had never used previously.

In my trip so far though, I have had a couple chances to drive a moped and I've built up confidence in my skills, which is great even if it is completely irrational confidence. This is good because it is a quality skill to have (you never know when you'll need to know how to drive a moped!) but also because I am headed back to Italy specifically for the purpose of driving a Vespa through wine country in Tuscany.

Just let that sink in for a second...I am accomplishing a life goal AND doing something ridiculously awesome even without personal opinions worked in at the same time. Doubly fantastic, if I do say so myself.

I'll be staying in Siena, a lovely little town in the heart of Tuscany about an hour and forty five minutes by train from Florence, for two nights and three days explicitly so I can adventure around with my trusty motored steed. Sure, I'll likely eat some incredible country Italian food and have some superb wine at the same time, but when you get down to it I am there for the experience of coasting through the rolling hills of wine country, belting out the three songs I know that seem Italian in my mind as I drive around.

I can't think of a better way to spend a few days.

Music of the day: Dean Martin - That's Amore (is there anything more cliche Italian in music from an American perspective?)

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

Have fun cruising through wine country. We need a photo of you on a real Italian Vespa!