Thursday, March 17, 2011

Money for Nothing and Your Chicks for Free

I think one of the biggest misconceptions about vacation and my trip is that there is the prerequisite attached to it that it needs to be expensive. Sure, flying around the world has a lot of inherent cost to it, especially if you aren't going to places that are dirt cheap to begin with.

And let me tell you, my itinerary pulls no punches when it comes to savings. Europe, Australia and Japan are some of the most expensive places you can visit, and by god, I am making them happen.

But still, the past couple days proves that really memorable experiences can be had for free.

The last few days I have been traveling with former coworkers (and friends) Sharee and Paulette. They had already planned on being here well before my trip was announced, so the three of us are meeting up in New Zealand and Australia for some team traveling and good times.

The first day, we joint ventured our way to Christchurch on the South Island of NZ. Because of their recent earthquake, the city itself is in disarray, with many Kiwis left without homes and the entire city being found without potable drinking water from the tap (well, without boiling that is).

We quickly ventured off to gather supplies for our time in this city, before we ran into the city centre accidentally. This is the area that was most heavily affected by the quake, and I have to say that this place was the closest in feel to being in a zombie apocalypse I have ever been and likely ever will be (presuming an actual zombie apocalypse does not strike, in which case I will be ready and willing with my Louisville Slugger). The streets were dead - not undead - and every conceivable waypoint into the famed core of the city was blocked off by fatigue and beret wearing soldiers backed by APC's.

It felt like a scene from Cillian Murphy's early walk through London in 28 Days Later inserted into my life. It was eerie, chilling and really intriguing.

It put into perspective what I will likely be facing in Japan, but amplified to a significant degree.

Regardless, my mind kept going back to that experience as one that was completely unlike anything I had ever done. I wouldn't say I loved the experience because that would be uncool, but I did find it to be intensely memorable.

Because the city was pretty much shut off, I convinced the ladies to take a day trip to nearby Kaikoura the next day, a city famed for its marine life and bevy of excursions available to incoming tourists. Having just missed out on the whale watching tour, the three of us split: Sharee and Paulette shopped and lunched while I went off on my own to go on the 3.5 hour peninsula hike that was, you guessed it, free.

What followed was one of the best nature days in my life, as I explored New Zealand's coastline on a gorgeous day, checking out a couple seal colonies, observing some of NZ's incredible avian life (namely the Tree Penguin, or the more apt term, Shag), and, oddly enough, roaming through a field of cattle (all of whom seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see them).

It was a superb day, and one that really showed a lot of what people envision when they think of New Zealand.

Both experiences quickly leapt up my travel list in terms of favorites, especially with the added weight tied to the fact they were free and really unique.

Today though brought more money to be spent, as I left Sharee and Paulette for Dunedin in the south. I'm on a bus as I type headed to experience the famed Dunedin nightlife on St. Patrick's Day, visit nearby Albatross and Penguin colonies on the nearby Otago Peninsula, and potentially checking out the Cadbury factory (where I could see the Cadbury Egg you eat on Easter be crafted!!). Plus, I am staying the night in a hostel named Hogwartz.

Seriously. How could that be not amazing?

The only thing ruining my good mood is the first appearance of dismal weather, as windows of the bus are streaked with rain and the blue sky and sunshine that highlighted my first 8 days a thing of the past.

Here's hoping I wake to a return of beautiful weather, and my travels continue to be as memorable and inexpensive as they have been to date.

Music of the day: Spoon's discography


Sara said...

Cadbury egg factory?! I was only sorta jealous before, but now I am SUPER jealous! =/

Patty said...

Happy St. Pat's Day. EAT corn beef and cabbage.