Friday, March 18, 2011

To Dunedin and Beyond

Arriving into Dunedin late last night, I didn't get much of a feel for the place save for a few simple facts.

1) It had better architecture than everywhere else I had been I New Zealand to date

2) People love to party here (this is not derived from the fact I heard Eddie Murphy's "Party All The Time" playing in a the supermarket but from the fact St. Patrick's Day was welcomed by fleets of green wearing and beer chugging people of all ages)

3) It is a bit dirtier than most NZ cities as well

My evening did have the benefit of meeting some really cool people at a local bar and hearing some very interesting and fun stories, but for the most part it was calm and I didn't really get a good feel for the city at all.

Today on the other hand was like a Lonely Planet one-day itinerary from heaven for people traveling in Dunedin and the surrounding area. I went straight from the guidebook on this one and it led me to perhaps my favorite day yet in Kiwiland.

Highlights included:

- a ridiculously great breakfast at local haunt Governor's - I had the God's Benedict (eggs benedict) with bacon and hash browns and a latte. My best meal in NZ to date

- meeting an incredibly cool local musician named Matt Langley on the bus who told me all about the surrounding area and the New Zealand music scene

- honest-to-god hitchhiking (with the thumb and everything) for the first (and second (and third)) time in my life (I loved it)

- checking out the only Royal Albatross preserve in the world and catching two in flight and three fledglings chilling

- going to a Yellow Eyed Penguin preserve set up by an organization designed to stabilize and stimulate the endangered species population

- enjoying the weather in 6 to 8 kms of walking, taking in beautiful vistas as I go while also almost tripping on a sea lion (which likely would have resulted in my death)

- a superb dinner at local Vietnamese eatery Saigon Van, taking in crispy spring rolls and a braised pork and egg entree that replenished my diminished energy cells

Not a bad day, and if you throw in the fact that I am writing this from the best hostel I have ever been (that just so happens to be named Hogwartz) in an incredibly comfy bed in a room filled with delightful people and you have one guy who is an unhappy camper because of his pending departure from Dunedin.

This city bridges my favorite elements of college towns and major cities, giving it a feel that sends it skyrocketing up my list of favorite cities I have ever been to. The fact that tomorrow could have given me the chance to see my first rugby match AND a six act show of Kiwi bands on the relative cheap just makes me all the more bummed out to leave.

Dunedin, I will be truly sad to depart you come tomorrow.

Music of the day: Katrina and the Waves - Walkin' on Sunshine (whoaaaaaohohhhhh!)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Need more photos! =)