Friday, March 25, 2011

The Power of Twitter

Update: Patagonia said they cannot get me new shoes until I send my current ones back AND that they cannot send shoes internationally (which seems a tad contrary to their origins). So I guess I will be buying new shoes and throwing these ones in the trash. REI is still cool, but I officially will never be buying a Patagonia product again.

After just three weeks, my brand new Patagonia slip-on walking shoes are nearing their last rites. Given that I dropped $80 dollars for them at REI, I kind of feel like they should last just a bit longer, so my frustration was palpable last evening.


For a wayward pacifist such as myself, instead of just buying new shoes or something of that sort, I passive aggressively tweeted lamentations about the quick death of my almost absurdly comfortable shoes. @ messaging Patagonia and REI in the process (I wanted them to be aware of my frustration - or at the very least their bots or PR firm), I awoke to a surprise: both REI and Patagonia responded.

It's a little early to tell, but it looks like papa is getting a new set of shoes - on the house of course. This was unintentional of course, as well as wholly welcome. Bravo to both companies for going above and beyond in customer service and turning my negative experience into a positive one.

Music of the Day: The 88 - Over and Over (pure pop for blissful sunny days)

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