Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day One: From Auckland, With Love

Going into Auckland, I had the idea that the city itself was going to be similar to Seattle. That is what people had suggested at least.

What I actually found was that it was similar but also a lot better in many ways. Seattle doesn't have a ton of personality to it, while Auckland itself has an overabundance of it. The township I am staying in - Mt. Eden - is quaint and full of delicious coffee shops and bakeries. It has many small but adorable homes. It is like the world's most perfect suburb.

The city itself is a melting pot (one of the most ethnically diverse places I have ever been) as well as one of the most beautiful cities I have been in.

But not in the way you think I mean.

True story: I am a little overweight right now. It turns out that I really love food and haven't exercised as much as I should have recently, and that led me to appear to be the world's first pregnant man (besides Arnold in "Junior"). But I am in perfectly fine shape for Alaska.

In Auckland, I am the equivalent of the mom from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"

Everyone is fit and well dressed. Every man, woman and child walks and bikes and scooters and runs everywhere as if they were compelled to do so. Men have perfectly coiffed hair and naturally pop Blue Steel faces. Women pull off 1/4 torso length leather jackets without looking ridiculous.

Essentially, they make me look like a fat homeless man. It's bizarre.

The first day I explored the city by bicycle and enjoyed my travels. I managed to flip my bike and tear myself up a little, but I got to see some spectacular sights. The only problem though is the city itself feels done in a day. My second day finds me rolling to nearby Waiheke Island and my third day takes me to the supposedly resplendent beauty of the Bay of Islands, and I will likely stay out of Auckland until I meet up with my soon-to-be partners-in-crime Sharee and Paulette.

Oh yeah, last thing. AMAZING weather. I always said I wanted to live in 70 to 75 degrees weather with no clouds and a little breeze. That IS Auckland.

Music of the day: Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala

Note: This was written on a ferry but posted in an art bar on Waiheke Island while stealing the only free wireless in New Zealand. While observing the ocean. Not bad NZ. Not bad at all.


Sara said...

I laughed out loud a couple of times - Judy's looking at me funny. ;)

BB said...

I was cracking up as well. Love the Gilbert Grape reference.

Amy said...

I found myself reading this post from bottom to top, starting with the music you're listening to. Somehow reading in reverse still made a lot of sense, and it sounds like you're having a wonderful time. We're for sure moving to Philly. If you're back on the east coast later in the summer, stop by and say what's up.