Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wake Up

"Why are you coming to the United Kingdom," the woman at passport control in Paris' Gare du Nord train station asked. I'm headed to London for the last stretch of my Europe trip on a Eurostar train.

In typical David fashion, I gave an overly explained answer that shared that I was visiting my friend's parents, I was on holiday, and that I was coming for a concert (amongst other things).

"Oh really? What concert?"

This part I had covered. "Arcade Fire!" I say with a boom and an upwards rising left fist, for no reason in particular.

"Hmm. Well, don't freak out but they came in right before you." she said, clearly expecting that I would in fact freak out.

"Oh my god, what really where?! Through here? Were they Canadian? Did they say they were Arcade Fire?!" I love living up to expectations.

She laughs. "I knew I shouldn't have mentioned this. Yes they were Canadian. Yes they said they were Arcade...whatever." She was clearly less impressed.

"Wow. Sorry, I have a weird idol worship thing with people I respect. And I REALLY like Arcade Fire." I say, hoping to come across as charming, not as a creepy weirdo.

"Clearly." she says with a laugh. "Well enjoy the concert, and hey, you'll see them there!" She stamps my passport and sends me off.

"It's not the same." Cue Charlie Brown sad walk, George Michael style.

Sigh...oh well. No meeting Arcade Fire and taking a picture with them for my world trip scrapbook. No big deal. I don't ca...OH MY GOD IT'S ARCADE FIRE!

There they are. Crafters of one of my all-time favorite albums (Funeral), creators of 2010's Grammy winner for Best Album (The Suburbs), and world renowned budding rock gods. And there they are!

Cue myself frantically digging my camera out and rapidly going through an internal debate as to whether or not I should go talk to them. I think "Wayne Coyne!" and go for it, even though I am crazy nervous (meeting someone mildly famous for me is like a crazy religious person meeting Jesus. And Arcade Fire is more than mildly famous).

"Hey, are you guys Arcade Fire?" I say to the group of 15 or so people who, amongst their number, are clearly Arcade Fire.

"Yeah man. I'm Will!" says the guy closest to me. Will Butler, multi-instrumentalist and lead singer Win Butler's brother.

I chat with Will for a bit. I mention my world trip, that I'm from Alaska and that the only part of my Europe trip I had planned was seeing their show in Hyde Park. I survive this, but I am probably acting like a person who is asking a girl on a first date.

"That's great. We're really excited for the show too."

"Hey, could I get a picture with you guys? I totally understand if you're not down, but I figured I would ask." I look around and see Regine, the other singer and multi-instrumentalist as well as Win Butler's wife. She looks extremely unenthusiastic, potentially attempting to use Superman-esque heat vision to decapitate me.

Their manager, or who I assume is their manager, informs me that they are on their morning routine so no pictures. While I am unsure as to what that is, I just say "Oh. Alright. I totally understand."

Will says "Yeah, we are just kind of relaxing. But hey, enjoy the show!" picture for my world trip scrapbook. I say thanks and scatter nervously, standing in a line to buy a sandwich at a nearby shop while refocusing my chi. That's a bit of a bummer.

Then I think "hey! I had a conversation with a member of Arcade Fire! That's personal growth!" I smile to myself and hold myself high. 

This trip just keeps on getting better.

And that is how I met the band I am seeing with 80,000 other people tomorrow in Hyde Park.

Music of the day: Arcade Fire's "Funeral" (of course)


Matt said...

I'm totally using that morning routine bit the next time someone wants to take my picture, no matter what time of day it is.

Bobbie said...


David Harper said...

Matt - I think its effectiveness lies in the fact that no one knows what it means!!!

Sara said...

I'm pretty sure you just made all of this up, I mean, where's the photo to prove it? ;)