Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife

One month from today I begin my journey back to Anchorage from the similarly chilly land of Reykjavik, Iceland. If you know what is good for you, I highly suggest stockpiling on foods from Middle Way Cafe, Snow City Cafe and Fire Island Rustic Bakeshop. Why?

Because I am going to eat EVERYTHING they have.

Note: comments seem to be working again.

Music of the day: Gregory Alan Isakov


Bobbie said...

Avacado Melt from Middle Way
Ship Creek Bendict from Snow City
Savory Scones from Fire Island.

Miss you!

Patty said...

About time!

nicki said...

Just got home last night and feeling the same way!! I want to go everywhere and eat everything... but most of all I want some Tim Hortons. That's so sad.